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We are praying to the Lord that He will send out more laborers into the harvest field to reach more children with the Gospel. We have over 33,000 children in Western Wisconsin who need Jesus. We need more workers throughout the United States and in every country of the world. Perhaps you are an answer to our prayers!


Will you join us in reaching the world’s most fruitful mission field – the children? We have many ways you can serve.



Long term USA & internationally

Short term USA & internationally

Summer Missions – Teens and Adults

Contact us today about becoming part of our team!


Volunteer Missionaries

Volunteer missionaries have served alongside CEF staff since its launch in 1937. Today, volunteer missionaries are helping CEF reach children, young people and adults in countries around the world.


Volunteer missionary opportunities exist at the CEF International Headquarters in Warrenton, Missouri, as well as in local CEF chapters around the world.


God has given you a wide variety of skills and experiences. Use them in a way that will help children come to know the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Savior!


Learn more about how you can help us reach children through volunteering.



Child Protection (See Video Below)


In today’s society child abuse and child accusations are occurring daily. Therefore it is important that Child Evangelism Fellowship take steps to protect the children to whom we minister and protect our workers from false accusations.


All volunteers and paid workers are required to undergo a national criminal background check and complete a volunteer application process in accordance with Child Evangelism Fellowship’s Child Protection Policy.


Thank you for helping us provide a safe environment for the children entrusted to our care.



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